Based on Raymond Briggs's classic, this beautiful illustrated Step into Reading book describes the exciting things that happen to James and his magical snowman.
단계별로 골라 읽으면서 영어를 배우는 「STEP INTO READING」 STEP 2 『THE WORST HELPER EVER』. 아이들이 영어를 배우는 데 유용한 픽션 스토리나 논픽션 스토리를 담은 영어 원서로 이루어졌다. 논픽션 스토리는 과학, 사회, 수학 등 학교 교과 과정과 연계되어 있다. 아이들에게 친숙하고 흥미로운 캐릭터가 등장하는 등 그림책을 보는 듯한 선명하고 고급스러운 그림으...
Introduces the natural history of wolves, examining their social structure, hunting tactics, growth, and development, and explores myths and legends about them.
Little Witch wants to go to school just like her friends, but her mother thinks she should stay home and learn from her witchy aunts. Mother Witch finally agrees to let Little Witch go, but only if she promises to be ver...
Alike in that they have the same pets, the same tooth missing, and the same love for peanut butter ice cream, best friends Arlo and Robby have a big fight when they notice a difference